We have 30 years of experience developing questionnaires for application to low income rural and urban populations in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and West African countries. We are particularly experienced and knowledgeable with respect to Haiti, where we have our main office. Our team will develop the questionnaire according to your information needs. We will translate, program into ODK, vet, and pilot test the questions. We are not simply technicians, our senior staff are anthropologists, agronomists and international development specialists who studied survey techniques and have created and applied 100s of questionnaires in countries throughout the world, particularly Haiti. We are well-versed in standardized questions and techniques for measuring variables associated with gender, health, agriculture, food security and resiliency. We have developed and tested scores of our own question strategies and techniques uniquely adapted to local cultural norms and we have developed and applied innovative methodologies that have been widely adopted by humanitarian aid agencies, such as Frequency-Listing, Notab Leadership and Key Informant Network Strategy (NOKLINS), Multi-Dimensional Value Chain Mapping Strategy (MEVMS), and the Icon Comparison Marketing Technique (ICMT).