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Scholastic Survey, Program Impact Assessment, and Longitudinal Cohort Study

This report reviews higher education in Haiti with goal of providing a baseline study that can be used for an ongoing evaluation of the Haiti Education and Leadership Program (HELP). We draw on surveys and focus groups conducted during the course of the study to build statistically representative profiles of Haitian university students, to examine the challenges students face in pursuit of a higher education, and to explore how HELP’s assistance program empowers students to overcome those challenges. However, the research does not stop there. The long-term goal of the research is to monitor the impact of the HELP program over time.

Publication date:
January 2021
Higher Education, Haiti Education Leadership Program,
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VALUE CHAIN STUDY: Cacao, Cashews, Castor Oil, & Breadfruit In The Departments of the Grand Anse and South

This document presents research on four value chains in Haiti: cacao, cashews, breadfruit and castor bean oil (ricin). The research was conducted in the context of the ILO project FOPRODER (2015-2020), that works through cooperatives and associations in Haiti to provide professional training and promote resiliency of value chains.

Publication date:
May 2020
Value chains, Cacao, Cashews, Caster oil, Breadfruit
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Impact Assessment for the Livelihood of Fishfarmers

This document describes an evidence-based evaluation of the immediate and long-term impact of LEVE/USAID grants to the fishfarming entities Caribbean Harvest Foundation and Caribbean Harvest Social Enterprise, both hereon referred to jointly as CH. Specifically, quoting from the RFP, The purpose of this short-term consultancy is to evaluate the immediate and longer-term impact of LEVE’s intervention with CH on the livelihoods of the 50 fish farmers who received cages, and their families. LEVE and CH are ultimately interested to know what impact, if any, this intervention has had upon the resiliency of the fish farmer, and their ability to sustainably continue this economic activity to the benefit of their family, their community and ultimately the Haitian economy.

Publication date:
December 2018
Livelihood, Fishfarming
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Baseline, Value chains, & Notab information network

Before presenting data and analysis, it should be understood that this report examines life in the rural Grand Anse from the perspective of resiliency and adaptation. People living in the region are adapted to 200-plus years of natural and manmade calamities. Natural calamities include droughts, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Manmade calamities include warfare, political turmoil, corruption, restricted traded, protracted international embargoes, and a State that more often than not has taxed the population through heavy tariffs while making scant to no investment in infrastructure or services. In adapting to such events, farmers in the Grand Anse have clung to zero-risk, zero-investment livelihood strategies.

Publication date:
October 2018
Baseline, Value Chains, Notab Information Network
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Evaluation of Local Purchasing and School Canteen Pilot Project in Petite Riviere de Nippes. Part 3

This document is the third of three reports pertaining to a longitudinal evaluation of a local procurement school feeding pilot project in the Department of Nippes for the years 2015- 2017. Until the end of 2017, the project was supported financially by the Government of Brazil (GoB). It is implemented with oversight and logistic expertise from WFP and the Haitian organization BND (Bureau de Nutrition et Developpement), the latter of which oversees quality and delivery of the food to the schools. Also involved is the Haitian non- governmental entity ROPANIP (Reseau des Organisations des Producteurs/Productrices Agricoles de Nippes), which coordinates purchases from and support to farmer associations.1 The research is intended to examine the Local Purchasing and School Canteen Pilot Project with respect to the following issues…

Publication date:
February 2018
Local purchasing, School feeding
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Through reliable evidence, we help governments, businesses, foundations, non-profits, and universities enhance their programs and policies

Sociodigital Research Group

15, Route Ibo Lélé, Montagne Noire

Pétion-Ville, HT6141, Haiti.

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