There is no other entity working in Haiti that has Sociodig's staff depth of experience with value chains.
Click on any of the following links to see an example of our studies.
These include value chains for:
wheat products (cookies, pastas, bread, and wheat flour),
formal agricultural labor and construction labor and supplies,
artisanal and industrial fishing value chains,
We have done extensive research into the Haitian market system in general, measures used in the markets, the role of different intermediaries, such as the Madam Sara vs. the Komesan, the Haitian Boutik vs. the traditional regional rotating market system (also see this and this), as well as fair wage research.
We have conducted in-depth research into the Haitian prepackaged snack-food market (see also this post) as well traditional cottage industry street foods, the history of humanitarian nutritional products in Haiti, food aid (see this and this as a starter) the prospects and issues surrounding values chains for local procurement for school feeding programs, and costs, products and sources for procuring local meals in rural Haiti.
Our staff has even researched and written a detailed Ethnography of the Haitian Meal. Value chain studies our staff have done but are not available at the moment include breadfruit, castor oil, energy drinks as well as extensive research into artisanal craft value chains. In an effort to bring all we’ve learned together and systematize value chain research, we created a Guide for Value Chain Studies and a system for Multi-Dimensional Ethnographic Value Chain Mapping.