Post-Earthquake Emergency Response (Jacmel, Haiti)
The objective of this study of Haiti’s Southwest Department was,
1) expand AMAP learning about value chains in conflict- and disaster-affected environments with the goal of helping design early responses for ensuring survival (market systems could supply food and essential items or services related to priority survival needs),
2) provide useful information for current humanitarian response programs in Haiti and implementers planning for medium- and long-term recovery programs protecting livelihoods (replace urgent [non-food items], seeds, tools, fuel and maintain demand for labor employment or production that restores incomes).
To accomplish the preceding, the consultants and members of ACDI/VOCA, Save the Children, and Diakonie spent 15 days training and conducting field research. The principal tasks involved were an investigation and analysis of the regional market conditions and livelihood strategies before and after the January 12th earthquake and choosing two market chains for the development of Emergency Market Mapping Analysis (EMMA–a diagramming technique for visually depicting market chain flows and significant factors that influence them). Bean and agricultural labor market chains were chosen. This is the field report for the Agricultural Labor Market.